#etqw.euro rackage-cup #2

In #etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #1 we could see

#etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #2 will be played as a one-day-cup on Sunday the 19th, starting at 14:00 CET. The event will be showcasted by TGBF (english) and GAME-TV (german). Admins on duty are

And here it goes again. With the new Beta2 of ET:QW Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, which includes lots of bugfixes and the new map Valley we are pleased to present the #etqw.euro Rackage-Cup #2.
In cooperation with Rackage-Servers and lots of broadcasting-teams, such as TGBF and Gamer-TV the one-day cup will kick off on 14:00 CEST, 19 August 2007.
The cup is open to everyone and will host up to 16 Teams who are going to battle for fame and honour (possible prizes will be announced).
For signing up and more details and information regarding this cup please visit our cup-page. Please note that the sign-up-period is open for up to 32 teams. For being able to participate your team-leader (the one who signed up your clan) has to check-in on the cup-page one hour prior to the actual start.
Rules and cup details
- ABBA Stopwatch-mode
- XP is disabled
- Time-limit, 20 minutes
* Tied-situation during the ABBA Stopwatch-mode
1. a decision-map has to be played
2. XP is going to be enabled
3. Either one team wins..
4. ..or on a recurrent tied, the team with the most XP wins
- After each match, XP has to be reset (if used in an earlier match)
- Every player has to record one demo in each match
- Every clan has to make one screenshot of each final map-score
- 6 players per team (and 2 substitutes are allowed)
- Sign-Ups start as soon as the news are officially announced on inquake.de
- Check-Ins start at 13:00 CET, 19 August 2007
- Match-channel: #etqw.euro
Valley map-restrictions
- STROGG Vehicle-Base (containing one Hog, one Desecrater, two Jetpacks and one Tormentor) is not allowed to be used
- STROGG are only allowed to use the vehicles from the current spawn
* Example: Stage 1 - two Jetpacks
* Example: Stage 2 - two Jetpacks; one Hog, one Desecrater
* Example: Stage 3 - two Jetpacks, two Hogs, one Cyclops
- GDF are able to use every allowed vehicle during each Stage
- All flying vehicles are not allowed to be used
- Valley map-restrictions can change during the tournament in the following round, if it occurs to be unbalanced during the match-up
Links and sources:
The Cup-page
The original post
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