junk52 theatre announces etqw team

Today Junk52 Theatre is proud to present to you their new ET:QW team. After their recent inactivity they felt it was time to get back into E-sports. They decided to rebuild their community and organization, and with the current state of e-sports, an ET:QW team is important! So we contacted Tim "StrykY" Wouters as he was looking for a new team to join. We asked him if he was interested in building a new team for us.
He found this an interesting option and contacted some players to see what was possible. After several weeks of recruiting / trialling several players - he found players from the W:ET scene as-well as from the BF scene. He decided that this would be the best line-up.
So without further waiting we present to you Junk52.ETQW

Statement by

After the new reorganization of junk, we had a hard way of going. We needed new managers and teams - also alot of motivation. As the motivation was born, we got new managers, new stuff at least new teams. Now junk52 can say that we are a brand and a professional multigaming clan. We are very glad about the new etqw players. They are very kind and skilled guys. We`re looking optimistically in the future a big "thank you" to stryky, asmogan, guru, jaede, dohfOs, dranzer.
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