rivve ersätter midnajt i Begrip

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Nu närmast har laget att se fram emot The-Experience. Jag får önska Begrip lycka till där samtidigt som vi får hoppas midnajt hittar en ny lina att spela med.
Lagkapten KyoChi kommenterar:
We've been standing still for a good while now, not making any progress, so time has come to do something about it. Unfortunately, sacrifices has to be made in order to reach our goals, so midnajt has been removed from the team.
I won't go into detail about why, it is what it is. Four players wont do, so we've brought in some new blood. Former EYEBALLERS, OMG Ninjas and most recently Bangin it eurostyle! player Robin "rivve" Holmén will finalize the lineup and take the fifth spot in the team.
With Robin joining up, a new spark ignites, everyones motivation has really rocketed, we're really looking forward to attending The-Experience. This will redefine anyone's idea of what begrip is capable of <3
Nytillskottet rivve har även han lite saker att säga:
I'm very glad to be joining up with Begrip Gaming. I've been inactive and clanless for a while now and was starting to give up COD4 when begrip contacted me with perfect timing giving me an offer I couldn't refuse.
I started playing with em and it didn't take long for us to feel the good chemistry we had. I am looking forward to attend the eXperience with these bunch of lovely guys and upcoming LANS as well!
gl :)
Hoppas det bara inte blir som alla andra klaner rivve joinar ;D
varför blev han kickad? för dålig? skulle hellre kicka multra än midnajt imo :>
M jag med :/
Bill o Bull måste lira tillsammans, annars blire bara fan!!!!1
gudd lack o sånt!
nu tillbaka i solen, ölen o chickkKKksen....slurp....raaaap...full som en kaschtrUllL....hick
lippe tönt
vi e två då!
fan vilken bred vokabulär du har! =]
keep up the good work!
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