Team-Helix is no more..?

One of the europeean teams that so far seemed to have proved that they got what it takes seems to be doomed to drop out of the Wolfenstein scene. It's

[..] it is a shame the game fails even more than ETQW... and is tbh, MP-wise, even worse than ETQW... [..] and for hx... well i think we won't pracc much wolf anymore, but we will wait what happens with cc7 and that TGL $10.000 tournament... that's the only thing keeping us away from falling apart atm [..] we are not really playing anymore, haven't played for almost a week now.
Reports also talks about Team-Helix getting banned from the Wolfenstein.Gather-cups due to "abusive behaviour", whether this will be the final touch for the team to fall apart is yet to be known.
Team-Helix last known lineup:

#team-helix @ QNet.
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