Ny sniper fix släppt
Nu har det släppts ytterligare en sniper fix, den 3:e i ordningen. Sedan tidigare har vi CB-fixen med andning samt AWP-fixen som används mer vanligt. Denna är framtagen av våran egen mintR som tagit hjälp av bl.a. MYM-stjärnan
D1ablo förklarar den nya sniper fixen:
For instance when covering a crossing where u have multiple targets, you now have a bigger chance at knocking more than one down, but the chance of nailing all of those shots is still smaller because for a very little time the bullets initially won't go straight EVERY time as just explained.
Listan på ändringar:
* rechamberWhileAds1 - From the original "rechamberWhileAds 0" in the AWP Fix, this turns on the ability to rechamber while scoped in.
* adsIdleAmount20 - From the original "adsIdleAmount40", the fix halved the sway on the M40A3 when breath is NOT held in.
* adsIdleAmount30 - From the original "adsIdleAmount60", also halved the sway on the Remington700 when breath is NOT held in.
* On Both snipers we changed the "adsIdleSpeed1.5" to "adsIdleSpeed1", reducing the speed of the sway on Both snipers.
Testa nya sniper fixen som går under namnet "Unite Sniper Fix" går att testa på Fnatics public server, ip:
Relaterat & nerladdning:
asså, ja, låt oss slåihop cbs imbasniper och awpmoden, det blir nog skitbra! ha ha heaeh (y)
håller med dig bengan....
idiotsaker bara
Thank you!
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