

aye, i admit it. never thought i would create a shitty web log. but then again. why the hell not. a free space, quite an easy url to remember and some room where i can post my stuff, my links, keep track of things - for free.

i don't intend to post stuff like it was some online diary. i did that earlier in my years - actually, before web logs were so bloody popular one almost gotta laugh at it. and an online diary is not something i plan to start up again. i woudln't really call this one a web log, but a page where i post random stuff, on rare occations i might add some personal things but other then that it's pretty much strictly gaming & sports. but mostly, i just do this for my own personal use, keeping track of funny events, links or whatnot that comes along.

ah well, for the phün of it.
