wegame tar in CSD

Ett utav Danmarks mest satsande lag,

Hiffer decided to step back from wegame today, due to different reasons which we keep in private. Anyways, we wish good luck to hiffer in the future - he will always be remembered as a very nice and skilled, tuna eating guy.
In replacement we are very proud to present CSD in the line-up! CSD will now carry the sniper for wegame, as we fight our way to European success. CSD is known from Save Your Game, Lawnmowers and Team Infinity - and we are sure that he will add a lot to our team.
wegame's kompletta femma:

CoDgaming.dk (källa)
Dom va ju inte så heta på Strike direkt :p
peeeeeman !!!111
palla strike :p
spillede med back-up, ny spiller og uden csd på strike. :}
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