Insidiae blir Team Turpo
Det finska topplaget
Insidiae har beslutat sig för att lämna organisationen. Detta på grund av att man tyckte Insidiae inte kunde backa upp laget ekonomiskt. Därför blir man nu
Team Turpo, i väntan på bättre tider. Samtidigt väljer man att plocka in
kammYz som man hoppas skall bli aktiv igen.
Crysti kommenterar det hela:
First of all I would like to thank Arno Poot for the support he has given. Insidiae has given us some good times, but now it's time for us to part ways with insidiae and go for the big fishes. kammYz contacted us after leaving tek9, and as holic is leaving to the army in a few weeks, we decided to give it a go with kammYz. He will be starting as a bit inactive at the start to settle in, but the addition of a player like kammYz brings alot of great things to our team. He brings the experience and steadyness to our game + unbelieveable individual skill. With this lineup I'm confident that with enough work we will become one of the top teams around.
Team Turpo:

#team.turpo @ QNet.
GL !
onnea matkaan!
pitäkää lippu korkealla!
gl babes
t's such a tickety-boo site. fabulous, very interesting!!!
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