thunder lämnar SK till förmån för SPEED-LINK

Tyska storlaget

thunder kommenterar själv:
I don't know where to start. I just could not continue with the internal struggles there were at SK, from my point of view. It was hard for me to have fun with the game, although i always tried to give my best ingame. Nevertheless it was a good time, which i really enjoyed. I hope that the team of iFEAR and Fuchs makes its way and that it can solve the problems. But this makes me now even more looking forward to give 133,7 % and have a fun and succesful time with the guys of SPEEDLINK. This clan has been on my wishlist for a long time!
thunder var ju bäst i SK
mwahaha, detta visste redan jag eftersom vi mötte dom igår. :)
"För några dagar sedan gick man ut med att thunder lämnar laget."
Vi andra också *fniss*
haha ägd neuro!
MWAHA, där blev jag ägd! xD
Känns skönt, man kan ju inte alltid ha rätt, inte ens jag xD XD :D :) :D:D:D:D
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