Mumma ersätter EmiZ i Druidz

Våra svenska druider har blivit tvugna att åter igen göra om i sin lineup, detta efter att

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We have after a while noticed that Emelie "EmiZ" Jansson couldn't keep up with the practise we needed so we had to make changes to keep up with the other teams out there. Emiz will of course stay in Druidz and work with everything around it. We haven't seen the last of Emiz so no worries. So we were looking for a suitable player for the spot and after alot of tested players we finally found our fith.
Our replacement is Adam "Mumma" Timle and coming latest from the swedish clan Grindhouse. He is a really talented player with the thought of that he started his cod career in the late of CoD2 and began play serious in the clan scene in the beginning of CoD4. He fits perfectly in the team and we already doing good againts top teams and just started with the tactics.
Adam "Mumma" Timle is just the player our squad needed to have because of his dedication to the team and tactical mind we now have a guy who have the time to make up tactics and make analysis of our demos to improve our game.
Druidz nya femma:

#druidz @ QNet
får nu se om MummalaineN har tid o lira med Druidzzz, vi har nämligen en ganska hektisk vecka med L.A.G. o mumma e ju lätt lagets nyckelspelare!
gudd lack & häV fAn
lycka till din fuling, bli inte för pro bara
killen med skillen , ooookej...
ring mig när han har taktiskt sinne och aim...
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