here2own äger inte längre..
..inte för att jag någonsin påstått att de gjort det men.. aja. Idag kom i alla fall medelandet att here2own lägger ner hela sin verksamhet och därmed så även CoD4-laget. Nyligen tappade man en av sina medlemmar till
SAMPLE (läs mer) och nu kände de resterande i laget att det fick vara nog.
choobie med gråten i halsen:
The unanimous decision of here2own multigaming's fate was made by all of its surviving members. Both my long-time partner in crime nreo and I had discussed our futures, and after several hours of discussion we felt that it was time that we parted ways. Nightwalker and I had no intentions on completely rebuilding the here2own CoD4 team without our star player and in-game leader nreo, therefore we decided it was time to call it quits. It had nothing to do with not being able to find suitable replacements for niZ and oberto, it was simply time to move on.
As a long-serving member of here2own, I would like to say that we were more than just an 'organization' within the electronic-sports scene, we were more like one, big family. We all had our ups and downs both in-game, and out-game, but we feel we have achieved one of our main goals, which was establishing ourselves as one of the 'better' teams in the CoD4 scene.
here2own var i slutet:

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Tusse choobs
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