MYM agerade rätt enligt G7

Precis som väntat fick MeetYourMakers rätt i tvisten som uppstod när man värvade sin CoD4-lineup från The Last Resort. För er med taskigt minne kan det väl sägas att MYM gick "bakom ryggen" på ledningen i TLR och rekryterade deras CoD4-lag utan att "fråga om lov". TLR reagerade ganska dramatiskt och skickade in en överklagan till G7 (kort förklarat som samlingsnamn för "de största" eSport-lagen) i ärendet. Det komiska såhär i efterhand är dock att TLR svarade med samma mynt när man rekryterade sitt nya lag från zeroPoint. Välkommen till eSport!
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Craig Levine who is the acting head of the G7 organisation throughout 2008 responded to allegations that MYM had acted both unprofessionally and more importantly their behaviour was a "blatant contradiction of G7 aims/goals."
The original complaint was lodged by the then general manager Ian "Javax" Leckley who's now the editor -in-chief at the rival British organization Four-Kings. When questioned exclusively by SK Gaming, he felt that "reputation talks at the end of the day" and was expecting "that exact reply," remaining realistic at the prospect of MYM receiving any punishment.
The G7 shifted the blame away from member organization MYM towards its newly recruited team, stating "open communication no doubt would have helped ease some of the unrest, but ultimately the decision was made by your players, who also did not extend that professional courtesy," reaffirming the importance of having players contracted to "avoid these exact situations."
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